Quick-Access Commands

Use this window to configure the quick-access commands available in the window caption bar. For more information about quick-access commands, see Making the Most of the Ribbon.

The Alt+1 (one) to Alt+0 (zero) shortcut keys can be used to activate the quick-access command that is at the position corresponding to the pressed number key: Alt+1 activates the left-most quick-access command; Alt+2 activates the second from left, etc.; Alt+0 activates the tenth quick-access command, if there is one.

Information If you frequently use commands from ribbon sub-menus, it can be particularly helpful to add them to the window caption bar as quick-access commands.

Current quick-access commands

This list shows the quick-access commands that are currently displayed in the window caption bar. The commands (from top to bottom) in the list are in the order (from left to right) that they appear in the window caption bar.

Click a command to select it. Shift-click to extend the selection, or Ctrl-click to add to the current selection. Click in the list and press Ctrl+A to select all the commands.

To change the position of a command:
  1. Select the command in the Current quick-access commands list.
  2. Click the Move Up ↑ or Move Down ↓ buttons. Alternatively, press Ctrl+ or Ctrl+.
To remove one or more commands:
  1. Select the command or commands in the Current quick-access commands list.
  2. Click the Remove button or press Delete.

Available commands

This list shows all the available quick-access commands.

Click a command to select it. Shift-click to extend the selection, or Ctrl-click to add to the current selection. Click in the list and press Ctrl+A to select all the commands.

To add one or more commands to the current quick-access commands list
  1. Double-click a command in the Available commands list.


  1. Select one or more commands in the Available commands list.
  2. Click the << Add button or press Enter.